Meeting Minutes
August 16, 2019
The following is a summary of the discussions and actions taken at the Port of the Islands Community Improvement District (CID) Board of Supervisors Meeting.
The meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the Port of the Islands Community Improvement District was held Friday August 16th 2019 at 9:00 a.m. at the Orchid Cove Community Center on 25005 Peacock Lane in Naples, Florida 34114.
Present and constituting a quorum were:
Tony Davis | Chair |
Russell Kish | Vice Chair |
Norine Dillon | Assistant Secretary |
Teri O’Connell | Assistant Secretary |
Kathryn Kehlmeier | Assistant Secretary |
Also present were:
Cal Teague | District Manager |
Ron Benson | District Engineer |
Dan Cox | District Attorney |
Robert Soto | Soto’s Lawn Service |
Mitch Gilbert | Florida Utility Solutions (FUS) |
Residents |
FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS Call to Order and Roll Call
The meeting was called to order and the District Manager called roll. All Board members were present. Also present were District Engineer Ron Benson, District Attorney Dan Cox, Robert Soto of Soto’s Lawn Service and Mitch Gilbert from FUS.
SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS Approval of the Agenda
The Agenda was approved as presented.
On MOTION by Supervisor Kehlmeier, seconded by Supervisor Dillon, with all in favor, the Agenda was approved as presented.
THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS Audience Comments on Agenda Items
There being none, the next Order of Business followed.
The District Manager discussed the budget briefly and stated that the ERC’s were adjusted for the boat slips and hotel condominiums.
On MOTION by Chairman Davis, seconded by Supervisor Dillon, with all in favor, the Budget Public Hearing opened at 9:40 a.m.
The District Manager notified the Board that a letter was received from the Attorneys representing Prepmac, asking the Board to fulfill a public records request. This records request was fulfilled.
Gregory Woods introduced himself and stated that he is representing Prepmac and Alligator Boys in the matter of the boat slip ERC increase. Mr. Woods stated that Prepmac owns 95 slips at the marina and Alligator Boys owns four. He also stated that he sent in a letter with his clients’ objections to the hearing. Mr. Woods listed several reasons why his clients object to the boat slip ERC increase.
There being no further audience comments, the Board closed the public hearing.
On MOTION by Chairman Davis, seconded by Supervisor O’Connell, with all in favor,the Budget Public Hearing was closed at 9:45 a.m.
The District Attorney, District Manager and the Board addressed the arguments Attorney Woods presented.
A. Resolution 2019-04
On MOTION by Supervisor Dillon, seconded by Chairman Davis, with all in favor, Resolution 2019 – 04 is approved.
B. Resolution 2019 – 05
On MOTION by Chairman Davis, seconded by Supervisor Kehlmeier with all in favor, Resolution 2019 – 05 is approved.
FIFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Approval of Meeting Minutes
A. Regular Meeting Minutes from July 19, 2019
The Meeting Minutes were presented and approved.
On MOTION by Chairman Davis, seconded by Supervisor Dillon, with all in favor, the Regular Meeting Minutes for July 19, 2019 were appoved as presented.
A. Letter of Objection to Assessments
This was discussed under Agenda item 4. Budget Public Hearing.
A. Utility Operations
i. Utility Operations for August
Mr. Gilbert was present to give his report to the Board on the following topics:
- The water plant is operating smoothly.
- The wastewater plant lift station is offline in bypass mode. It is being coded and will be ready to get put back together next week.
- The cleaning of the plant is ongoing.
- All the lift stations are working well.
- They had to replace a pump on the Stella Maris lift station.
- Lastly, there was a small water leak which has been repaired.
B. Review of Landscape Maintenance Performance
i. Review of Inspection Report
Mr. Soto informed the Board that Collier County Growth Management is now paying close attention to lake maintenance regarding fertilizing to prevent algae growth. Mr. Soto stated that he has a meeting with them to discuss this further and get more information. Mr. Soto also stated that Collier Country Growth Management will be monitoring the lakes and taking samples.
Mr. Soto informed the Board that when the trees are finished being trimmed, he will have recommendations on what to plant in the medians.
Mr. Soto presented to the Board an idea to use safety overflow pipes for the swales. He recommended waiting until winter to install these as it is rainy season now. The Board asked that the District Engineer, Field Manager and Mr. Soto get together and see if this project is possible and whether a modification to the permit would be necessary.
ii. Irrigation Concerns
There being none, the next Order of Business followed.
C. Manager’s Report
i. Financial Statements for Period Ending July 31, 2019
The financials were presented, discussed and accepted.
On MOTION by Chairman Davis, seconded by Supervisor Dillon, with all in favor, the financials for period ending July 31, 2019 were accepted.
ii. Utility Billing Updates
The District Manager discussed this topic briefly and stated that everything is on schedule for the upcoming billing cycle.
ii. Website ADA Compliance Update
The District Manager reported that the website is almost complete
iv. Mosquito Spraying
It was discussed that the mosquitos are not as bad as last year. They have been spraying about three times a week.
i. Field Report for August
The Field Report for August was presented and reviewed by the Board, with comments as follows:
- The District Manager discussed options on how to make the ponds look nicer such as adding plants to the shores.
- The District Manager stated that there are two small sink holes that the Field Manager is monitoring.
- A Willow Tree and a Cabbage Palm Tree are growing together. Therefore, the Board agreed to have the Willow Tree cut.
- The Board asked that the District Manager send a registered letter to the homeowner regarding the culvert with the paver sand that needs to be removed.
ii. Other Follow Up Items
There being none, the next Order of Business followed.
E. Engineers Report
There being none, the next Order of Business followed.
F. Attorney’s Report
i. Parcel 13 Water Frontage
The District Attorney notified the Board that he still has not heard back from the County.
A. Drainage System Cleaning and Maintenance Plan
This was discussed under 7. B. i. Review of Inspection Report.
B. Fire Hydrant Painting Update
Mr. Gilbert agreed to have his staff complete this project
C. Highway Striping and Asphalt Repair Update
The District Manager stated that this project has been completed.
A. Sidewalk Repairs
Two estimates were submitted last month for $10,350 each and this month an estimate from Tincher Concrete Construction (TCC) was received for $8,291.50.
On MOTION by Supervisor Dillon, seconded by Supervisor Kish, with all in favor, the Board accepts TCC’s proposal for $8,291.50.
TENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Supervisor’s Request and/or Comments
Supervisor Dillon requested that a sign be removed from the edge of the Parcel 13 property by Mr. Pepin or Mr. Gilbert. Mr. Gilbert commented that he would complete this task.
Supervisor Dillon expressed her concern that CMAC left items at their old site. She asked the District Manager to contact them and inquire about their time frame for moving to the new site.
Supervisor Dillon stated that she spoke with the Director of Code Enforcement and he informed her that they are having trouble finding a contractor to improve on the items that have been brought to their attention.
An audience member asked what would happen if someone does not pay their boat assessment. He also asked whether the Board thought there would be a lawsuit regarding this increase. The Board stated that they weren’t certain yet if a lawsuit will be filed for the increase.
There being no further Orders of Business and,
On MOTION by Supervisor Dillon, seconded by Chairman Davis, with all in favor, the meeting was adjourned at 11:08 a.m.
Next Meeting: September 20, 2019 at 9:00 a.m.