Summary Letter – November 2021
November 11, 2021
Board of Supervisors
Clearwater Cay Community Development District
Dear Supervisors:
A regular meeting of the Clearwater Cay Community Development District Board of Supervisors will be held on November 18, 2021 at 5:30 p.m. at the Grand Venezia at Baywatch Clubhouse, 2704 Via Murano, Clearwater, Florida. The meeting will also be accessible via webconference:
Phone: United States: +1 (571) 317-3112, Access Code: 233-920-397
The Agenda is included on the next page and a few points of interest are as follows:
- Enclosed are the draft meeting minutes for September 23, 2021; the financial reports will be sent under separate cover.
- There will be updates on the sunken pavers repair at Buildings 7, 9, and the pool perimeter, and on the ongoing parking issues. Additionally, there will be discussion on a new lighting proposal for in front of the clubhouse which will be sent under separate cover.
- The District Manager has presented a fiscal year 2021 budget amendment and Resolution 2202-01 which is included in the packet; the attachment A will be sent under separate cover. He also has included a schedule form the state on the 20 year needs analysis for stormwater management.
- The Attorney will update on the debt assessment validation.
Any supporting documents not enclosed that may become available will be distributed via email and handed out at the meeting. If there are any questions or requests prior to the meeting, feel free to contact me.
Calvin Teague
District Manager