Date Distributed: May 21, 2020
Clearwater Cay
Community Development District
May 28, 2020
Board of Supervisors Meeting
Meeting Attendance Instructions
To join the meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone:
To dial in using your phone:
United States: +1 (646) 749-3122, Access Code: 274-208-789
Clearwater Cay
Community Development District
Meeting Agenda
Meeting Agenda
May 28, 2020 at 5:30 PM
- Call to Order and Roll Call
- Approval of the Agenda
- Audience Comments on Agenda Items
Approval of Meeting Minutes
- Draft Meeting Minutes for April 23, 2020
Old Business
Stormwater Improvements Update
- Building 1 Drainage Concerns Update
- Joint Improvements with Bellagio Update
- Skimmer Replacement Proposal
- Landscape Efforts and Updates
- Garage Lease Termination Issues
- Pressure Washing Tabled Proposals
- Firepits Construction Update
- Parking Enforcement Rules Review
- CDD Community Letter
Stormwater Improvements Update
New Business
- CDD/HOA Property Ownership/Responsibility Discussion
- Walkway Lights
- 4th of July Extravaganza
District Manager
- Website Launch and Email
- FY2021 Tentative Budget Adoption and Public Hearing: Resolution 2020-04
- District Registered Voter Count
Financial Reports
- April 2020
- Debt Assessment Validation Update
- Supervisor Requests and/or Comments
- Audience Comments
- Adjournment – Next Regular Meeting: June 25, 2020 at 5:30 PM
4. Approval of Meeting Minutes
4. Approval of Meeting Minutes
Clearwater Cay Community Development District
The meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the Clearwater Cay Community Development District was held via web conference on Thursday, April 23, 2020 at 5:30 p.m.
Attending via web conference due to Executive Order 20-69 waiving the quorum requirement were:
Michael Herd – Chair
Patrick O’Malley – Vice Chair
Alan Glidden – Assistant Secretary
Jeff Wilson – Assistant Secretary
Don Dwyer – Assistant Secretary
Also attending via web conference were:
Cal Teague – District Manager
Dan Molloy – Attorney
Christopher Dausch – Engineer
Christopher Dudak – Assistant to the District Manager
FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS Call to Order and Roll Call
The meeting was called to order and the District Manager called the roll. All Board members were present.
SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS Approval of the Agenda
On MOTION by Supervisor Dwyer, seconded by Vice Chair O’Malley with all in favor, the Agenda was approved as presented.
THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS Audience Comments on Agenda Items
- Attorney Scott Clark, representing the Vue Apartment complex, requested that the ERC assessment reflect the actual unit count in the current budget process before another assessment is made.
- Attorney Corey Dorne, representing Holland-Knight, was present but made no comments.
A. Resolution 2020-03 Emergency Meeting Procedural Changes
This resolution acknowledges Executive Order 20-69 suspends requirements that a quorum of a public body must be physically present and meet at a specific public place in order for their actions to be binding. The Board adopted the resolution.
On MOTION by Supervisor Wilson, seconded by Vice Chair O’Malley with all in favor, Resolution 2020-03 Emergency Meeting Procedural Changes was adopted by the Board.
FIFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Approval of Meeting Minutes
A. Regular Meeting Minutes from March 26, 2020
The Minutes were approved as presented.
On MOTION by Supervisor Dwyer, seconded by Supervisor Wilson, with all in favor, the Meeting Minutes from March 26, 2020 were approved as presented.
A. Stormwater System Improvements Update
The Engineer updated the Board on the following drainage issues.
i. Building 1 Drainage Concerns
The Geotech soil analysis was completed. The Board discussed how to get the seasonal high water table in the pond lowered from 6.5′ to something more reasonable. The Board agreed to have Supervisor Dwyer, the District Manager and engineer Christopher Dausch meet and make a recommendation how to proceed.
On MOTION by Vice Chair O’Malley, seconded by Chair Herd, with all in favor, the Board voted to have Supervisor Dwyer, the District Manager and the District Engineer meet, discuss the report and make a recommendation how to proceed.
ii. Joint Improvements with Bellagio Update
The Engineer addressed drainage issues of mutual concern with Grand Bellagio. He and Supervisor Dwyer will get prices to present to the Board at the next meeting and will recommend cost sharing between the two communities.
B. Landscape Efforts and Updates
Supervisor Dwyer gave an update on the mangrove cutting, which he says is looking good. He also said that the additional mulch was added to Building 6, and the replanting in front of Building 3 in the circular garden is completed. He had some concerns about weeds along the walking paths and the retaining wall, but he is doing a walk-through and will send an update on his meeting with the contractor to the District Manager to distribute to the Board.
i. Building 6 Mulch Installation
The mulch installation is in process and is awaiting a final inspection.
ii. Building 3 Circle Enhancements (Palm Tree)
This project was completed.
iii. Coconut Palm Installation
The Chair will meet with the contractor to finalize this project.
iv. Small Royal Palm Installation
The Chair will meet with the contractor to finalize this project.
v. Large Royal Palm Installation
The Chair will meet with the contractor to finalize this project.
vi. Queen Palm Removal
The work has been completed.
vii. Garage G166 Planting
The Board will wait for the final turnover in the garage ownership before making improvements.
A. Pressure Washing Proposals (3)
The Board reviewed three proposals for power washing options. The proposal from DPI Pressure Washing for cleaning the garage roofs and gazebos was approved for $1,750 and the other two are tabled until the next meeting.
On MOTION by Supervisor Dwyer, seconded by Supervisor Wilson, with all in favor, the Board voted have the garage roofs and gazebos pressure washed by DPI Pressure Washing for $1,750.
B. CDD Accomplishments Letter
Supervisor Dwyer prepared a letter that will be sent to the Board for review on what the Community Development District has accomplished in the last 18 months. The Board agreed that the letter should be on the website and mailed to its 336 residents after the Board reviews it.
C. Firepits Build Proposal
The Board discussed having two firepits installed, adding aluminum furniture, and running a natural gas line, for no more than $7,500. The motion passed with a 4-1 vote.
On MOTION by Chair Herd, seconded by Vice Chair O’Malley, with a vote of 4-1 (with Supervisor Glidden dissenting), the Board approved having two firepits installed, adding aluminum furniture and running a natural gas line, not to exceed $7,500 for the project.
D. Parking Enforcement
The Board discussed parking enforcement and agreed that Supervisor Wilson can purchase warning stickers for parking violators. The District Manager and Attorney will review the current parking policies to see if additional signs need to be posted.
EIGHTH ORDER OF BUSINESS District Manager’s Report
A. Website Launch and Email
The website should be launched in a couple of weeks. The District Manager will send a link to the Board when the final stages are completed.
B. FY 2021 Draft Budget Presentation
The Board reviewed the draft budget and there were no changes at this time.
C. Resolution 2020-02 Reaffirming County Elections
The Board discussed having Lee County Elections conduct the Board’s 2020 elections and approved it.
On MOTION by Chair Herd, seconded by Vice Chair O’Malley, with all in favor, the Board voted to have Lee County Elections conduct the Board’s elections for 2020.
D. Garage Project Update
A letter to terminate the current garage rental agreement was sent and will become effective May 15. The following actions need to be taken to prepare for the change:
- A letter will be sent to the current individuals leasing garages that their checks will be directed to a different place when their leases end on December 31, 2020.
- The letter will include notification that the Grand Venezia Condominium Owner’s Association (GVCOA) will be charged a rate of $100/month for each unit. GVCOA has the maintenance garage (three units) and they have five other units. The amount charged will be prorated for the rest of the year or seven months, or $800/month beginning in June.
- The letter will be written by the District Manager notifying them that the lease renewal will be with the CDD, and he will request copies of the current leases from the management company.
- The power washing will be delayed until after the next meeting.
- This issue will appear on the next agenda for follow-up.
E. Kayak storage
The kayak storage is going well. They are going to build another rack of four. There is a wait list of seven or eight people. Supervisor Glidden will oversee the project and will submit a payment request. He would like to see the kayak rental information on the website.
NINTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Financial Reports for March 2020
The March 2020 financial reports were accepted as presented.
On MOTION by Supervisor Wilson, seconded by Supervisor Glidden, with all in favor, the Board voted to accept the Financial Reports for March 2020.
A. Debt Assessment Validation
The Attorney updated the Board on the assessment validation. He said an arbitrator has been selected and there is only one, despite an effort to have a panel of three. The Attorney is currently working on a request for the production of documents.
ELEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Supervisor’s Requests and/or Comments
- Supervisor Glidden requested the broken walkway lights be replaced. Chair Herd, Supervisors O’Malley and Wilson will identify the ones that are out and will get a proposal for the Board’s consideration.
There being none, the next Order of Business followed.
There being no further Orders of Business and,
On MOTION by Chair Herd, seconded by Vice Chair O’Malley, with all in favor, the meeting was adjourned at 6:55 p.m.
Next Regular Meeting: May 28, 2020 at 5:30 p.m.
5. Old Business
5. Old Business
6. New Business
6. New Business
- CDD/HOA Property Ownership/Responsibility Discussion
- Walkway Lights
- 4th of July Extravaganza
7. District Manager
7. District Manager
- Website Launch and Email
- FY2021 Tentative Budget Adoption and Public Hearing: Resolution 2020-04
- District Registered Voter Count
8. Financial Reports
8. Financial Reports
- April 2020
9. Attorney
9. Attorney
- Debt Assessment Validation Update