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Date Distributed: May 19, 2022

Clearwater Cay
Community Development District

May 26, 2022
Board of Supervisors Meeting

Meeting Attendance Instructions


Phone: United States: +1 (872) 240-3412, Access Code: 314-485-373

Or in person at at the Grand Venezia at Baywatch Clubhouse at 2704 Via Murano in
Clearwater, FL 33764.

All callers/webconference attendees must enter or state their names when registering or when asked. Note: all unidentified callers will be given (1) opportunity to identify themselves. Failure to do so will result in being dropped from the meeting

Clearwater Cay

Community Development District
Meeting Agenda

May 26, 2022 at 5:30 PM

  1. Audience Comments on Agenda Items
  2. Approval of Meeting Minutes
    1. Draft Meeting Minutes from March 24, 2022
  3. Old Business
    1. Landscape Efforts and Updates Follow‐up Items:
      1. Sunken Paver and Stepping‐Stones
      2. Walkway Bridge Staining Follow up
    2. Vue Easement and Cost‐sharing Agreement
    3. Approval of Easement Agreement with Grand Venezia (GVCOA)
    4. Grand Venezia Parking Agreement
    5. Reassessment Discussion on Debt and O&M Fees.
  4. New Business
    1. Sinkhole Repair Update
  5. District Manager Report
    1. Fiscal Year 2023 Budget
      1. Resolution 2022‐02 to adopt FY2023 and Set a Public Hearing
    2. Requesting the County to Conduct the Elections Resolution 2022‐03
  6. Engineer
    1. Site and Seawall Inspection Update
    2. Report on CDD/GVCOA Property Responsibilities
  7. Financial Reports
    1. March 2022
  8. Attorney
    1. Debt Assessment Validation Update
  9. Supervisors Request and/or Comments
  10. Audience Comments
  11. Adjournment – Next Regular Meeting: July 28, 2022, at 5:30 p.m.

2. Approval of Meeting Minutes

    1. Draft Meeting Minutes from March 24, 2022

3. Old Business

    1. Landscape Efforts and Updates Follow‐up Items:
      1. Sunken Paver and Stepping‐Stones
      2. Walkway Bridge Staining Follow up
    2. Vue Easement and Cost‐sharing Agreement
    3. Approval of Easement Agreement with Grand Venezia (GVCOA)
    4. Grand Venezia Parking Agreement
    5. Reassessment Discussion on Debt and O&M Fees.

4. New Business

    1. Sinkhole Repair Update

5. District Manager Report

    1. Fiscal Year 2023 Budget
      1. Resolution 2022‐02 to adopt FY2023 and Set a Public Hearing
    2. Requesting the County to Conduct the Elections Resolution 2022‐03

6. Engineer

    1. Site and Seawall Inspection Update
    2. Report on CDD/GVCOA Property Responsibilities

7. Financial Reports

    1. March 2022

8. Attorney

    1. Debt Assessment Validation Update

9. Supervisors Request and/or Comments

No Supporting Documents

10. Audience Comments

11. Adjournment – Next Regular Meeting: July 28, 2022, at 5:30 p.m.