Field Operations
September 2019

Site Inspection on August 29th 2019
A. Lake Maintenance: No concerns observed with the retention ponds this month. Several different shoreline weeds were observed, a very low presence of algae was present, and the water levels were average for this time of year. Turbidity (cloudiness / murkiness) also remains high throughout all the ponds. Additional pond management details are below.
B. Littoral Plants: No concerns observed this month.
C. Shoreline Weeds: Weed concerns that should be addressed:
- Torpedo grass was observed growing in retention ponds #1 thru 3.
- Climbing Hemp Vine was observed growing in retention pond #2.
- Primrose Willow was observed growing in retention pond #2.
D. Submerged Weeds: No concerns observed this month.
E. Algae: Very low presence of Filamentous algae in retention pond #2.
F. Fish: No concerns observed this month.
G. Trash: Multiple new pieces of trash were observed within the 2nd and 3rd retention ponds. We’ll have it cleaned up next month.
H. Lake Aeration: No aeration present
I. Shoreline Landscaping: No new concerns observed this month.
J. Lake Bank Erosion: No concerns observed this month.
A. Asphalt:
- D&G returned and completed the additional repairs in front of 170 & 182 Newport Drive.
- The small sink hole that was observed in front of 253 Sunrise Cay last month is being addressed by Florida Utility Solutions. They made a water main repair which created the sinkhole. We’ll follow-up with Mitch and see when the sinkhole will be repaired.
B. Potholes:
- The small pothole that were found forming on Union Road on the east side of the old hotel have been filled in. We’ll purchase a bag of patch mix and will have our maintenance technician fill it in during one of his next visits.
Before After
- Many new potholes were observed forming on the dirt portion of Union Road.
C. Curbing / Storm Water Gutters: No new concerns observed this month.
D. Street Signage:
- There is algae growing on one of the street signs next to the sales center. We’ll have it cleaned up next month.
- There is an old u-channel post on Newport Drive just past the sales center. We’ll have it removed next month.
E. Roadway Landscaping
- There are three crape myrtles along the 41 median that are dead and still need to be removed and/or replaced by Soto.
- Hard woods have recently been pruned by Soto. Palm trees still need to be pruned.
F. Roadway Lighting: No concerns observed or reported to us this month.
- We met with Tincher concrete on 8/29 and conducted a pre-construction meeting to discuss the project. After the meeting they called us and said that the sidewalk ramp in front of 208 Cays Drive isn’t ADA compliant. There is no warning pad present, so they are going to send us a proposal to add one for this location. We’ll be checking all the other existing ramps next month to make sure all the other ramps have mats.
A. Catch Basins: No concerns observed this month. Basins inspected were clear of debris.
B. Water Control Structures (WCS):
- Sunset Cay: Thick vegetation growing around the structure. While our technician was onsite on 8/29 we had him clean up the area.
- Venus Cay: Thick vegetation growing around the structure. While our technician was onsite on 8/29 we had him clean up the area.
- Windward Cay: Thick vegetation growing around the structure. While our technician was onsite on 8/29 we had him clean up the area.
- Wilderness Cay: Thick vegetation growing around the structure. While our technician was onsite on 8/29 we had him clean up the area.
Venus Cay Wilderness Cay
- Water Plant: WCS clear of debris.
- Retention Ponds: No new concerns observed this month.
C. Flumes: Roadway flumes were cleaned out by our maintenance technician on 8/29/19.
D. Culverts:
- Florida Utility Solutions still hasn’t flush out the 2 culverts in front of 194-242 Newport Drive & in front of Sunrise Cay. We were informed that the culverts were going to be cleaned out in the middle of August and as of 8/29 nothing has been completed yet. We’ll follow up with FUS again.
- The concrete culverts and catch basins along Newport Drive and Cays Drive will be pressure washed after the rainy season.
- The drainage culvert at 114 Newport Cay remains at least 90% clogged and needs to be cleaned out. This is the address where the homeowner installed a paver driveway and never removed the excess paver sand from inside his culvert.
E. Drain Pipes: No issues observed this month.
F. Drainage Swales / Dry Detention Ponds / Banks:
- Flooding was observed again within the large retention area in front of the water plant. We tried looking for the drain culvert that runs underneath the south entrance to the plant but the vegetation in the area is just too thick. If the ponds dry out during the winter months the vegetation should be cut down and all the storm water structures within these areas should be thoroughly inspected.
Flooding in Front of the Water Plant
5. Front Entrance Monuments
A. Main Monument: Mold on the monument needs to be removed with a pressure washer. The two old flag poles are also very moldy and need to be pressure washed. We’ll add these items to the maintenance list.
B. Side Monuments: No new concerns observed this month.
C. Landscaping: New weed growth was observed around the ground covers at the Newport Drive entrance.
D. Landscape Lights: No new concerns observed this month.
E. Flagpole: The American Flag has been replaced.
F. US 41 Median: Water is holding within the median next to the Newport Drive exit and dries out as you head east towards the Faka Union Canal.
Newport Drive Exit Area Faka Union Canal Area
G. Cays Drive Entrance: No concerns observed this month.
H. Union Road Entrance: No concerns observed this month.
6. Irrigation System
- A broken irrigation riser was observed in the 41 median behind the shrubs / dead crape myrtle.
7. Mosquito Spraying
- No updates or concerns to report this month.
8. Residential Complaints / Concerns
- No complaints or concerns were reported to us this month.
9. Non-CID Issues Observed
- None observed.
10. Fish / Wildlife Observations
- Bass – Not seen
- Bream – Seen
- Catfish – Not seen
- Gambusia – Not seen
- Egrets – Seen
- Herons – Seen
- Coots – Not seen
- Gallinules – Not seen
- Anhinga – Not seen
- Cormorant – Not seen
- Osprey – Not seen
- Ibis – Seen
- Woodstork – Not seen
- Otter – Not seen
- Alligator – Seen
- Turtles – Not seen
- Snakes – Not seen
- Other Species: Ducks, 2 Bald Eagles
11. CID Project Updates
- No new project updates this month.
12. Water Treatment Plant
A. Fire Hydrants: Fire hydrants still need to be painted.
B. Meter Boxes / Valves: No new concerns observed this month.
C. Missing Valve Box Covers at:
- 168 and 169 Venus Cay.
D. Wells: Vegetation continues to encroach from both sides making the access roadway very narrow. The vegetation needs to be cut back.
E. Boil Water Notices: No notices issued this month.
F. Line Breaks / System Concerns: No concerns observed this month.
13. Soto’s Approved Proposals
- Below is a list of approved work orders for Soto that we’re monitoring. Completed tasks are removed from the list on the following month.
Soto’s Lawn Services at Port of the Islands
Estimate # | Date | Description | Status |
3004 | 5/17/2019 | Removal of tree stakes from Hurricane Irma at water plant. | 75% Completed |
3005 | 5/17/2019 | Palm Tree Pruning | Not Completed |
3007 | 5/17/2019 | Hardwood Tree Pruning | Completed |
3057 | 6/21/2019 | Removal of 2 crape myrtles on 41 median, 3 pallets of floritam sod, 50 arboricola trinetteunder Queen Emma Plants & mulch | 75% Completed |
3077 | 7/26/2019 | Remove and replace ficus on US 41 that were destroyed by vehicle. | Completed |
14. Maintenance Follow-Up Actions
- Completed tasks are removed from the list on the following month.
Recommended Projects / Maintenance Tasks
Repair the L on the Hotel / Marina Sign on Newport Drive. | 10/10/2016 | ||
Repair the leaning over head wall in the retention pond just south of Stella Maris Drive S. | 10/10/2016 | ||
Have the broken electrical box near the entrance to the sales center repaired. | 8/1/2017 | ||
Remove the debris from the drainage swale on Wilderness Cay. | 5/2/2018 | ||
Have the vegetation along the well road cut back. | 7/30/2018 | Soto | Pending |
Vegetation around the Well Stations should be cut back. | 7/30/2018 | Soto | Pending |
Pressure clean the catch basins and culverts along Newport & Cays Drive. Pressure wash front monument & old flag poles. | 1/30/2019 | CFS | Pending |
Replace the damaged fire hydrant roadway reflector in front of 175 Sunset Cay. | 6/27/2019 | CFS | Completed – WO 1333 August |
Remove the broken culvert pieces from the rip rap across from the fire station. | 6/27/2019 | CFS | Completed – WO 1333 August |
Grind down the 5 uplifted sidewalk panels along Cays Drive. | 6/27/2019 | CFS | Completed – WO 1333 August |
Remove the braces from the 3 trees in the open area behind the sales center on Newport Drive. | 6/27/2019 | CFS | Completed – WO 1333 August |
Fill in the potholes forming on Union Road on the east side of the old hotel. | 7/30/2019 | CFS | Completed – WO 1333 August |
Trim back the oak tree branches that are blocking the Windward Cay & Cays Drive roadway signs. | 7/30/2019 | CFS | Completed – WO 1333 August |
Inspect all roadway flumes and remove any silt building up within them. | 7/30/2019 | CFS | Completed – WO 1333 August |
Remove the grass and trash from the storm water structure on the 3rd retention pond on Cays Drive. | 7/30/2019 | CFS | Pending – WO 1346 Sept |
Fill in the void with dirt behind the WCS at the end of Venus Cay. | 7/30/2019 | CFS | Pending – WO 1346 Sept |
Remove the vegetation and silt building up in front of the main drainage culvert at 119 Newport Drive. | 7/30/2019 | CFS | Pending – WO 1346 Sept |
Remove the willow tree from the cabbage palm on Newport Drive | 7/30/2019 | Soto | Pending |
Remove the dead pygmy date palm on the Union Road island. | 7/30/2019 | Soto | Pending |
Remove the Brazilian pepper within the sea grapes adjacent to the sales center. | 7/30/2019 | Soto | Pending |
Remove trash from the retention ponds and from the landscaping in front of the community. | 8/29/2019 | CFS | Pending – WO 1346 Sept |
Remove the algae from the street sign next to the sales center. | 8/29/2019 | CFS | Pending – WO 1346 Sept |
Remove the u-channel post just past the sales center on Newport Drive. | 8/29/2019 | CFS | Pending – WO 1346 Sept |