Draft Meeting Minutes for May 27, 2021
Clearwater Cay Community Development District
The meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the Clearwater Cay Community Development District was held on Thursday, May 27, 2021 at 5:30 p.m. at the Grand Venezia Baywatch Clubhouse at 2704 Via Murano in Clearwater, Florida 33764 and via web conference.
Present (or attending via web conference) and constituting a quorum were:
Don Dwyer – Chair
Patrick O’Malley – Vice Chair
Alan Glidden – Assistant Secretary
Mike Herd – Assistant Secretary
Also present (or attending via web conference) were:
Cal Teague – District Manager
Dan Molloy – Attorney
Christopher Dausch – Engineer
Nancy Dudak – Premier District Management (PDM)
FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS Call to Order and Roll Call
The meeting was called to order and the Chair called the roll. All Board members were present, except Supervisor Whitehurst. Also attending were the Cal Teague, District Manager, and Engineer, Chris Dausch. Dan Molloy, Attorney, and Nancy Dudak from PDM, participated virtually.
SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS Approval of the Agenda
The Board reviewed the Agenda and had one addition.
On MOTION by Supervisor Glidden, seconded by Vice Chair O’Malley, with all in favor, the Board approved the amended Agenda with the addition of 6F: Parking and Towing Discussions.
THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS Audience Comments on Agenda Items
There being none, the next Order of Business followed.
FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Approval of Meeting Minutes
A. Draft Meeting Minutes for April 22, 2021
The Board reviewed the Meeting Minutes from April 22, 2021.
On MOTION by Supervisor Glidden, seconded by Vice Chair O’Malley, with all in favor, the Board approved the Meeting Minutes from April 22, 2021 as submitted.
A. Landscape Efforts and Updates
The Chair commented that the new company appears to be doing well with weed control and fertilizing efforts. However, he said the lack of rain is a problem. He also said there is a new pothole in front of Building #9. The Board agreed with the Chair that Mr. Bailey can repair the pothole for less money. They will get a proposal from him.
i. RedTree Final Invoice
The District Manager said that the tree stakes have been removed and final payment was made.
B. Entry Lights Update
Supervisor Glidden reported that the entry lights are expected to be installed the first week of June.
C. Pressure Washing Update
Vice Chair O’Malley reported that this was completed.
D. Car Wash Drainage Issues Repair Update
The Vice Chair said this was also completed and he is satisfied with the repair.
E. Car Wash No Parking Striping Update
The “no parking” striping was reported to be completed. The Chair stated that there are still enforcement issues.
F. Operating Agreement with GVCOA
The Chair tabled this and said that he and the District Manager will send suggested contract language to the Attorney for a new draft to be completed.
A. Car Wash Second Hose Proposal
Vice Chair O’Malley reported that this task was completed.
B. Seawall Sinkhole Repair Proposals
The Engineer stated that the seawall is in good shape overall, but sinkholes were observed. He contacted eight seawall companies and got three bids, two of which were presented to the Board. They all proposed the same type of fix, a type of chemical grouting. Solid Foundations would cost $16,000 and would replace the sod. Certified Foundations was $9,750 with additional costs. Florida Seawall Solutions was $13,500. The District Manager stated that the wall belongs to the COA, but affects the property that belongs to the CDD. Due to liability issues, the Engineer recommended the work be completed as quickly as possible.
On MOTION by Chair Dwyer, seconded by Vice Chair O’Malley, with all in favor, the Board approved the proposal from Solid Foundations to repair the seawall for $16,000.
C. SWFWMD Inspection Report Due August 3, 2021
The Engineer reported that the inspection is expected to be done in mid-June.
D. Stormwater Management Facilities – Operations & Maintenance Instructions
A maintenance checklist was presented by the Engineer. He suggested that the ground crew monitor the list.
E. Lamp Post Damage at 51 and Bellaire Road
Staff obtained information on an accident at US 19 and Bellaire that knocked down a lamp post. The City, Duke Energy and Grand Venezia said that the light was not theirs, but for safety reasons, the CDD asked Hoffman Electric to restore power to the remaining street lights. The GVCOA Manager said she will contact Grand Bellagio to see if the pole is theirs. The Board discussed that it is a shared responsibility between Grand Bellagio and Grand Venezia. There was a question about whose insurance was responsible. There was a problem getting the police report, and the pole was not mentioned in it.
F. Parking and Towing Discussion
The Chair commented that people are parking in the community illegally. It was suggested that they contact those homeowners who have been tagged, but it was stated that they are tagging cars twice with a warning that violators may be towed. The District Manager suggested they bring a proposal back to the Board on how to handle this. The Vice Chair was concerned about those who are violating the rules. The Chair recommended sending a notice to the homeowner that their cars will be towed. It was also stated that many cars are not registered there and that a towing costs about $300. The District Manager suggested that they reaffirm the current agreement.
On MOTION by Chair Dwyer, seconded by Supervisor Herd, with a 4-1 vote (Vice Chair O’Malley dissented), the Board voted to authorize Supervisor Glidden to sign the towing agreement and to use their suggested form4 to have violators towed.
A. Fiscal Year 2022 Proposed Budget and Resolution 2021-02 to Set Public Hearing
The Chair suggested a $10,000 budget item for a maintenance contract with the COA. The District Manager suggested reducing the Capital Outlay line item by $10,000 to offset the change. The Board also discussed holding the Public Hearing on August 26.
On MOTION by Supervisor Glidden, seconded by Vice Chair O’Malley, with all in favor, the Board approved Resolution 2021-02 for the FY 2022 Tentative Budget and set the Public Hearing for August 26.
B. Clearwater Cay CDD Registered Voter Count
The District Manager stated that there are 666 registered voters living in the District.
C. Insurance Claim Report
The District Manager also reported that he received a “trip and fall” claim from Morgan & Morgan and said that it was submitted to the CDD’s insurance company.
A. April 2021
The District Manager reviewed the April 2021 financials.
On MOTION by Supervisor Glidden, seconded by Vice Chair O’Malley, with all in favor, the Board accepted the April 2021 financials as presented.
A. Debt Assessment Validation Update
The Attorney said there has been no significant progress, and no movement from the Bond Holders.
B. Vue Lawsuit/Extraction from District Update
The Attorney also updated the Board that the Public Hearing for the Vue’s request to the City for contraction from the District was tabled until June 17. He stated that he and the Chair will present the District’s objection to allow them to remove themselves from the District.
TENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Supervisor Requests and/or Comments
- Supervisor Herd complimented the landscaping job around the pool. He also commented that if the Vue was removed from the District, they should change their name by removing reference to Bellaire Road.
Joe Borsi requested that the picnic table outside Building #1 get leveled. It was stated that it is the Association’s responsibility. Mr. Borsi also said that there is a lack of parking.
There being no further business, and
On MOTION by Chair Dwyer, the meeting was adjourned at 6:42 p.m.
Next Regular Meeting: June 24, 2021 at 5:30 p.m.