Draft Continuation Meeting Minutes for June 11, 2020
Clearwater Cay Community Development District
This is a continuation of the meeting of the Clearwater Cay Community Development District held via web conference on Thursday, May 28, 2020 at 5:30 p.m. The continuation meeting was held on June 11, 2020.
Attending via web conference due to Executive Order 20-69 waiving the quorum requirement were:
Michael Herd – Chair
Patrick O’Malley – Vice Chair
Alan Glidden – Assistant Secretary
Jeff Wilson – Assistant Secretary
Don Dwyer – Assistant Secretary
Also attending via web conference were:
Cal Teague – District Manager
Dan Molloy – Attorney
Christopher Dudak – PDM Assistant to the District Manager
Jennifer Miller – PDM Controller
Scott Clark – Vue Apartment Development
FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS Call to Order and Roll Call
The meeting was called to order and the District Manager called the roll. All Board members were present.
SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS Approval of the Agenda
Only items on the May 28, 2020 Agenda could be discussed at this Continuation Meeting. The primary purpose of this meeting was to consider if the Vue Apartment assessments were going to be reduced as they had requested. If that was the case, an assessment increase would be necessary to offset any lost revenue needed to fund the operations and maintenance of the development.
THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS Audience Comments on Agenda Items
Several residents attended the meeting via web conference. Jen Jacek, Alice Hazelbaker, Angelina Macaluso and Azad Ali spoke in opposition to the recent Board decision to reduce garage rental rates and to donate the remaining funds collected to the Wounded Warrior Project. Scott Clark, representing the Vue Apartment Development, also attended.
FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Business Items Discussed From Last Agenda
5.C – Garage Lease Termination Issues
The Board voted to reconsider the garage lease issue by a 4-1 vote, then with a 4-1 vote they approved not reducing the current rental fees.
On MOTION by Supervisor Dwyer, seconded by Supervisor Glidden, with a 4-1 vote, the Board voted to reconsider their donation to the Wounded Warrior Project.
There was a Motion to suspend all garage actions until December that was not seconded, causing the Motion to fail. Then there was a Motion not to provide any financial donations to any requesting agency which was approved. The Board adopted an administrative policy that there will be no motions approved for requests that are non-maintenance issues or other actions of a critical nature until there is a first reading and then presented for approval as a second reading at the next meeting. The Attorney said that with critical or time sensitive issues, the rules can be waived with support of the Board.
On substitute MOTION by Supervisor Glidden, seconded by Supervisor Wilson, with a 4-1 vote, (Chair Herd voted no,) the Board voted to maintain the garage rent at the current rate.
On MOTION by Supervisor Dwyer, seconded by Supervisor Glidden, with all in favor, the Board voted to revise meeting procedures to allow the Board a first reading on any proposed actions, other than general maintenance expenditures, to give the public an opportunity to voice their opinions, and will be considered at the following meeting. (The Attorney clarified this as a rule of procedure, and if there is any specific situation in which the Board wants to waive it, one of them will simply have to make a motion to waive the rules and then they can proceed.)
On MOTION by Supervisor Glidden, seconded by Supervisor Wilson, with all in favor, the Board voted not to make any donations to any organization in 2021.
7.B FY2021 Tentative Budget Adoption and Public Hearing: Resolution 2020-04
The impact of the Equivalent Residency Units (ERUs) for the Vue was presented by the District Manager. The Board agreed after discussion that Ed Santoro should prepare an O&M assessment methodology for $6,500. They also approved Resolution 2020-04 to set a public hearing for August 27, 2020. After that, it goes to the Tax Collector. The Budget that was tentatively approved reflects a 50% increase in fees with the understanding that it can be reduced at the public hearing. The Board would like the assessment methodology to be presented at the July meeting for Board review prior to the public hearing.
On MOTION by Supervisor Wilson, seconded by Supervisor Glidden, with a 4-1 vote (Chair Herd voted no,) the Board voted for a temporary 50% increase in fees until they get a methodology assessment from Ed Santoro for the new assessments and the adoption of Resolution 2020-04 which sets the public hearing for August 27, 2020 and approved a tentative budget.
5.D Pressure Washing Tabled Proposals
Vice Chair O’Malley said that he had four proposals for cleaning the paver bricks, including replacing the sand between the pavers. The Board reviewed photos of a chemically cleaned section using 100% organic liquid that did not impact the sand and was environmentally friendly that will be presented at the next meeting. It will not kill the grass or affect animals that walk on it. Sealer would not be necessary with this treatment.
5.G CDD Community Letter
An initial letter was sent and the Chair presented another letter listing recent CDD accomplishments and inviting the residents to a July 4th celebration. The Board approved the mailing of this letter with the removal of the reference to the garage action resulting from this meeting. Chair Herd will make revisions to the letter and have staff send it out.
On MOTION by Chair Herd, seconded by Supervisor Dwyer, with all in favor, the Board voted to send a letter by mail, minus this meeting’s revisions, to all the residents that lists the recent CDD accomplishments and invites them to a July 4th celebration.
TENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Supervisor’s Requests and/or Comments
There being none, the next Order of Business followed.
- Azad Ali said that he pays the current garage rent of $1,000 per year. He thanked the Board for their efforts and commented on how good the grounds are looking.
- Alice Hazelbaker also thanked the Board for their contributions to the improvements of the grounds and for the results of this meeting concerning the garages.
There being no further business,
On MOTION by Supervisor Wilson, seconded by Supervisor Glidden, with all in favor, the Board voted to adjourn at 6:36 p.m.
Next Regular Meeting: June 25, 2020 at 5:30 p.m.